Re-2: Bug: checkpoint failure - searching image references
Frank Urbach
2006-01-10 12:50:21 UTC
I just tried saving a project again in the latest-updated image, with
much the same results. We are also very keen on seeing the projects
work in Tweak, since (we think) our Hermes IMAP email client might be
able to use them for distribution.
Between 04.12.2005 and now the problem was solved. After update today the
problem comes on top again. The information about the update level doesn't
answer the question on which update level the problem comes back.
Does this one have a Mantis entry yet?
I've read the mantis bug tracking and didn't see this bug.

Is there an RSS-Feed, that anounce the updates of Tweak? With this kind of
information in my opinion a newbie like me have the chance give quick feedback
when something is wrong.

Eric Fournier
University of Minnesota
Office of Information Technology
Dang! You are right, I screwed something up. I'll try to fix it ASAP.
- Andreas
Dear Tweakers,
I'm having problems saving projects in tweak. Using the
provided at impara.de 'as is' everything is working nicely. But
once I've
loaded updates (update-level 590) I'm not able to save tweak-
projects any
more. Whenever I try to do so, I' getting a 'Checkpoint failure -
image references...' . This takes quite a long time and ends up
with a huge
WARNING!!!-Window of the squeak-Image and an Error-Window within
Bert Freudenberg
2006-01-10 14:57:28 UTC
Post by Frank Urbach
Is there an RSS-Feed, that anounce the updates of Tweak? With this kind of
information in my opinion a newbie like me have the chance give quick feedback
when something is wrong.


- Bert -
Andreas Raab
2006-01-11 08:57:56 UTC
Post by Frank Urbach
Between 04.12.2005 and now the problem was solved. After update today the
problem comes on top again. The information about the update level doesn't
answer the question on which update level the problem comes back.
Oh dear. Looks like we broke it once again... I'll check it out later
this week.

- Andreas

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