did anybody use CFileSaveDialog?
Jens Lincke
2006-09-08 16:55:22 UTC

for make a generic open / save as dialog for sophie I modified /
improved the CFileDialog a bit. I made the CFileSaveDialog look a bit
more like the open dialog and made both hide hidden files
under unix.

I uploaded the package to source.impara.de/Stuff

Name: Tweak-Widgets-jl.143
Author: jl
Time: 8 September 2006, 6:39:13 pm
UUID: 759cd7a4-6f9e-497f-b744-5b1e2c63a483
Ancestors: Tweak-Widgets-be.142

- made CFileSaveDialog look more like CFileOpenDialog
- don't show hidden files in unix

- Jens Lincke -
Fournier Eric
2006-09-08 21:04:20 UTC
I made similar changes for Hermes to allow saving attachments from
email messages or attaching files to email messages. I also created a
class variable that remembers the last directory location so that
sequential attachments (of files to email messages) goes a little

I re-arranged the Save dialog to put the name field more prominently
at the top of the dialog, and refined button enabling dynamics so the
Save button is not available when not appropriate.

Lastly, I enabled the Save dialog to optionally be provided a
filename at instantiation to allow a user to accept the MIME header
filenames that might appear in attachment meta-data.

I did all this as subclassed redefinitions of a few features for
CFileOpenDialog, CFileSaveDialog and CFileSaveDialogCostume. Code is
on SqueakSource, or I can supply changesets if you care to see.

Eric Fournier
University Technology Development Center
University of Minnesota Office of Information Technology
Post by Jens Lincke
for make a generic open / save as dialog for sophie I modified /
improved the CFileDialog a bit. I made the CFileSaveDialog look a
bit more like the open dialog and made both hide hidden files
under unix.
I uploaded the package to source.impara.de/Stuff
Name: Tweak-Widgets-jl.143
Author: jl
Time: 8 September 2006, 6:39:13 pm
UUID: 759cd7a4-6f9e-497f-b744-5b1e2c63a483
Ancestors: Tweak-Widgets-be.142
- made CFileSaveDialog look more like CFileOpenDialog
- don't show hidden files in unix
- Jens Lincke -
Tweak mailing list
Andreas Raab
2006-09-09 16:56:59 UTC
Please do. I'd be interested in seeing what you did.

- Andreas
I made similar changes for Hermes to allow saving attachments from email
messages or attaching files to email messages. I also created a class
variable that remembers the last directory location so that sequential
attachments (of files to email messages) goes a little faster.
I re-arranged the Save dialog to put the name field more prominently at
the top of the dialog, and refined button enabling dynamics so the Save
button is not available when not appropriate.
Lastly, I enabled the Save dialog to optionally be provided a filename
at instantiation to allow a user to accept the MIME header filenames
that might appear in attachment meta-data.
I did all this as subclassed redefinitions of a few features
for CFileOpenDialog, CFileSaveDialog and CFileSaveDialogCostume. Code is
on SqueakSource, or I can supply changesets if you care to see.
Eric Fournier
University Technology Development Center
University of Minnesota Office of Information Technology
Post by Jens Lincke
for make a generic open / save as dialog for sophie I modified /
improved the CFileDialog a bit. I made the CFileSaveDialog look a bit
more like the open dialog and made both hide hidden files
under unix.
I uploaded the package to source.impara.de/Stuff
Name: Tweak-Widgets-jl.143
Author: jl
Time: 8 September 2006, 6:39:13 pm
UUID: 759cd7a4-6f9e-497f-b744-5b1e2c63a483
Ancestors: Tweak-Widgets-be.142
- made CFileSaveDialog look more like CFileOpenDialog
- don't show hidden files in unix
- Jens Lincke -
Tweak mailing list
Tweak mailing list