We'll need a sanctioned method for this at some point. Manly for when
we are punching through using FFI and the VM has no clue.
Yes. It's pretty clear what that'll be - namely a "screenTransform"
which is accessible in your top-level scope (world). BTW, the reason why
this doesn't exist yet is mainly that it's not clear to me whether this
transform ought to be (host) window-relative, or (host) display
relative. There are some very good arguments for the latter (e.g., it
makes host window transforms just another part of the transformation
chain) but there are definitely some arguments against it (many, if not
most, "global" positions that we're interested in will be relative to
the window).
Interesting note: On my Powerbook (the last of breed!) they do
QuickTime hardware acceleration so our movies live on top of tweak
objects, etc. Is kind of interesting, but makes it hard to click on a
browser :)
However, this mode does provide the best playback - Squeak is
completely out of the loop. If we have an occluding region, we'll need
to drop into form blit mode.
Not necessarily - I'd be surprised if there weren't a way of giving it a
clipping region that overlaps it. You may have to go out of your way to
do that (for example, creating another host window that you put in front
of that region and fill the window with the stuff that's in the back)
but I'm pretty sure there ought to be ways of making this work.
- Andreas